All Hands on Deck at Armstrong Auction

Armstrong Elementary parents, students, and staff members charted a course for success during the school’s annual auction on Nov. 8.

The “Palm Beach Yacht Club” themed event netted over $630,400, a record-breaking amount that allowed the PTA to double the holiday bonuses received by staff in December.

Natalie Lesikar, Laura Price, and Samantha Wortley. 

Auction co-chairs Natalie Lesikar, Laura Price, and Samantha Wortley captained the school’s efforts with leadership from vice president of development Andrea Cheek. They united Armstrong by preparing for and hosting a party that made every child, parent and staff member feel that they were a part of something special.

350 guests attended the sailboat soirée at the Dallas Country Club, which was decorated for the evening with striped cabanas, palm-leaf arches, floral covered tête-à-têtes, and regency rattan. Thanks to the support of parents and community sponsors, all proceeds from ticket sales and the auction went directly to the school.

When Armstrong PTA president Kate Boatright announced that all money donated during the auction’s annual paddle raise would be used for teacher bonuses, the 20 staff in attendance were called to the dance floor and a painting donated by Michelle and Rob Joyner, and painted by Rob, was brought out. The painting, together with the names of paddle raise donors, will be displayed in the school’s front office.

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