Girl Scouts Send Comfort, Cookies to Pacific Palisades
Hyer Elementary’s third-grade Girl Scouts plan to send a care package of their cookies and letters to Pacific Palisades firefighters.
Girl Scout Troop 1419 will ship its cookies to Fire Station 69 on Sunset Boulevard. The fire station survived the blaze that destroyed most of its surrounding structures, and continues to serve the community.
Donations to help fund the Girl Scout’s efforts can be sent via Venmo to troop leader Gina Grove @GinaGrove. Please note that any funds are for “California cookies.”
The Troop is also accepting cookie donations for Dallas area emergency and relief workers. Click HERE to visit its digital cookie website.
The holiday weekend was a busy one for Park Cities neighbors sending relief to Los Angeles fire victims. Click HERE for photos of volunteers preparing the semi-truckload of donated supplies that left for LA on Saturday. And look for more information on the community effort in our February issue!