Critical School Bond Secures Future, Will Not Raise HPISD Property Tax Rate

By: Peter Hegi
We write to support the passage of a $137.3 million maintenance and efficiency bond and urge all Park Cities residents to vote yes to Proposition A, which will provide much needed funds to address Highland Park Independent School District (“HPISD”) facility needs, raise teacher pay, and secure a legacy of excellence in HPISD for years to come.
State “recapture” of locally-raised property tax revenue for HPISD schools compels HPISD to do more with less – less money for maintenance, less money for academic programs, and less money for teacher pay.
Last year, state policies sent $0.58 of every property tax dollar HPISD collected to schools outside of our district. With 85% of HPISD’s operating budget already allocated to teacher salaries, there is zero margin for pay increases, unexpected building maintenance (like the recent multi-million dollar plumbing repair at the middle school), or building improvements without cutting academic programs. The problem necessitates pursuing other funding opportunities.
Earlier this year, we served on a Community Advisory Committee (“CAC”) that explored the possibility of passing a maintenance bond in HPISD. The process shed light on the status of HPISD’s finances, which continue to be materially diminished by state recapture laws (aka, “Robin Hood”). To make matters worse, the state has not increased basic school funding since 2019 despite 20% inflation.
Over the six weeks the CAC met, several things became abundantly clear:
Our middle school and certain other facilities are aging and in desperate need of renovation and repair (including updates necessary for student security).
Strategic bond dollars can be used to pay down portions of HPISD’s annual school budget, freeing up portions of the budget to increase teacher pay.
HPISD can strategically use the bond to complete a land acquisition plan begun in 2015, and primarily focused near the high school, which someday will allow for newer/better HPISD facilities.
The bond is a critically necessary bridge for ensuring HPISD remains a top-tier school district for generations to come.
The proposed bond will not increase our tax rates.
Without over-simplifying — passing the bond is a no brainer!
Amid state policies that have sent almost $2 billion in HPISD tax dollars to schools outside of our district, the solution to increasing HPISD teacher pay and ensuring educational excellence must be multifaceted, creative and strategic in its thinking and approach. The solution will require voting yes to Proposition A on Nov. 5, continuing to grow a university-style endowment via the Highland Park Education Foundation’s Lead for Tomorrow Campaign, and parents, PTAs, Dads Clubs, and community organizations continuing to play their part in supporting teachers and schools with their time, talent, and treasure.
We invite you to join the movement to increase teacher pay within HPISD and ensure HPISD’s legacy of educational excellence.
Learn more about ways you can be part of the solution at these websites:
Scots find a way!
Peter Hegi, with support from the Community Advisory Committee:
Robert F. Begert
Rebecca Bell
Benjamin Carpenter
Brad Cheves
Pete Chilian
Dallas Cothrum
Michael Denton Jr.
Elizabeth Gambrell
Margo Goodwin
Robert T. Halpin
Leslie Kibby
Thomas Laughlin
Connie O’Neill
Nick Peters
Peter Pincoffs
Paul Rowsey
Elizabeth Speicher
Claire Swope
Price Wagner
Jane Wallingford
Stephanie Wilson